Oh Elvis. Today we had a day off from school up at the good ole FDR. The call came in bright and early from Julie. She goes, "Good Morning Greg... Can you hear me... Are you awake?" I grumble and mumble as I'm still asleep and ask what she wants. Apparently the FDR phone chain was in full force, and I had to make sure I actually passed the message on to Anne who is below me on the chain. I was thankful to not have school. I spent the day reading a book on Energy as I was learning about Wind, Hydro and Biofuels, and how they are beneficial as alternative energy sources. It turned out that the day off was probably not necessary. I say this because it rained all day here in Wappingers, and there was no ice or snow to be seen. Maybe it was worse to the north of here? I'm debating what to do with the rest of the weekend. I have to do some christmas shopping, christmas card mailing, and grading of papers.
Yesterday was also an interesting day. I got to school at 7:25 due to the freezing rain that was falling. As i was walking into the school, a parent wanted to talk on the sidewalk. I have no problem talking, but I don't think standing in the rain is necessary. Appointments. Could be an interesting idea when implemented. The rest of the day was spent of sedimentary rock ID labs. This was funny because the kids were getting mad that i told them they had to work quickly, and that i was timing the labs. I try to be fair, and put no unreasonable expectations on them. I also am looking forward to the trip west. Only 14 days!!!
Switching over
Weighing the cost of webpage hosting versus diapers (did I mention we spent
$200 per month on diapers), I’ve abandoned hosting Boxofwhine.com. It will,
11 years ago