Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Today is Wednesday night. I probably should be sleeping, but there is a strong possibility of a snow day due to the impending ice storm tomorrow. It's been a weird day today. I was tired, and it took a long time to get going today.

The day seemed simple enough. I wrote a student up because they said they were better than my class. This was frustrating because I don't think anyone is better than the class. I just want the people to be able to learn in a welcoming environment that everyone's comfortable in. I know I do a good job down there. The principal came in and was happy to see that most people were engaged in my lesson on how to figure out how to figure out the percentage of minerals in various igneous rocks. If this skill doesn't last with them, then at least they learned how to read a chart successfully which is a skill needed always!

It was a rainy ride home, but I was smiling because I got to talk to Meredith while I traveled. The weather is getting ridiculous seeing as the rain was pouring down. Tonight the rain is set to switch to ice which will make the roads impassible. I decided to go to the Christmas play at church tonight. I wanted to see what dad had been participating in over the last few weeks. The show was good, and it was weird to see all of the people from the church. People wanted to talk, but I kept to myself.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Of course people want to talk to you're Miller!