Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yeooooooo! Miller

Yes...I would like to take a moment out of my day to thank the student who decided to yell that today. It led to an extra advil having to be taken. Today was the day I did the Igneous Rock ID Lab down at FDR. I feel like i'm providing less direct instructions this year because I want the kids to stumble at first as they learn. I believe that making mistakes is the only way too learn.

I talked to Mere briefly as I went out after school. The lights were nice, and it's good to see that people are in the holiday spirit. I'm somewhat disappointed in that I found out the case I didn't get picked for was a constitutional case being held at the lowest level. I fell asleep after eating dinner. I woke up at 845 which is disappointing because I didn't get a chance to talk during the lunch break. Anyway, the rest of the night will be spent relaxing.

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