Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday Night Darkness

I am sitting here on Saturday night on the couch. Today was a mostly unproductive day. I have been getting run down at work, and decided that I would rest today so that I could maximize output throughout the rest of the weekend. I put up this photo from my drive last summer because I am thinking about summertime. The winter has hit hard here in New York, and it is really getting tiredsome. There has been a lot of bitter cold temperatures, and many days of snow. The winter is barely a month old, and there is little end in sight.

The upcoming month will prove to be hectic. The upcoming week is the last week of second quarter. That means that I have to prepare the final grades for the quarter and prepare students for the midterm next Wednesday. I am super stoked as Meredith is coming to New York next month. I miss her a lot, and can't wait to see her! I'm working on some things to see, but know that she will have fun while she's here. Other upcoming events include the Super Bowl, the English Beat concert and a trip up to Frank's.

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